Mistery and peculiarities in the Far East
An overview on unique traditions and local beliefs, including mysterious phenomena with a scientific support


on human suffering and it's solution


buddha statue
feng shui
The Chinese believe that the essence of a positive human life is balance.
The place and surrounding in which the human live and work are necessary to ones wholesome way of life, and will determine his health, harmony and prosperity.
In this lecture I’ll bring examples from China, Honk Kong, and Singapore that will open a window into these theory manifestations in the life of the Chinese, while providing past events and architectural examples.


Holiwood vs Boliwood and the Guru phenomena
the images held by the west regarding the spirituality of india will be cinicly observed through movies that were made on the subject


Brunei a fairytale sultanate

Head hunters of Borneo in Malaysia

Festivals in East Asia
In 2001 i participated in the kumbh mela in india together with 70 million pilgrims. In Phunaka in Bhutan i took part in the three day festival in the fort monastry. In Bali sulawesi and china i experienced wedding and death ceremonies. In Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong i celebrated the change of the seasons


among lush rice fields in which fierce battles where fought, today there's a peaceful industriouse nation leaving the past behind


Legends, stories and myths from the Far East
A collection of stories and legends from East Asian cultures


The Silk Rout in China
A journey through a historic rout that crosses deserts, mountain peaks and cultures that havn't changed for hundreds and thousends of year.


Bhutan a magical kingdom in the Himalayas
A Tibetan Budhist kingdom that shied away from the world is still alowing very little tourist in. In the tiny kingdom there are spectacular mountain views, impressive fortresses, colourful festivals and amazing beliefs, aside great liberal behaviour between the sexes.


Sabras on the Silk road
A personal travel story acording to a book i wrote about a journey i took with my brother Eli along the silk road. Eli died of altitude sickness in the high mountains of the Silk rout.


Since early history the Chines where great inverntors. On the potential of the Chinese inventions, and on missed opportunities.


Chinese and Japanese garden architecture
Chinese and Japanese garden architecture is based on nature, it copies it, improves it, and even turns it inside out.


Chinese national minorities
All over China, especially in rural areas live ethnic groups that in the time of Communism where forced to adopt Chinese uniformity. Today with greater liberty they revive their customs, national dress and language.


The Chinese cuisine
The Chinese cuisine is the most varied in the world. On the philosofy on which it's based and about the different dishes


Indian art architecture and city plannig
Four thousand years of art architecture and city planning that influenced the whole of East Asia. From the first planned cities of the Indus valley to the prototypes of the temples in South India. Abstract symbols and architecture overflowing with specific symbols.


Indian art under the influence of Indian beliefs
The Indian temples where not only the museums of the past, they where built in order to give the worshipers a spiritual experience. About the sofistication of creating a religiouse experience, on the many manifestations of the God, on different expresions of ideas and beliefs, on symbolism, colour and shapes.


The unresolved tension between the Kama Sutra and
on the worship and hatred of wemen in India


descecrate the holy and polute the pure
Indias religions


Family and Society in India

legands stories and myths from east asia
A collection of stories and legends from East Asia


Japans traditional and modern architecture
from ostentageouse chinese influence to restrained zen monastries through architecture that emphasises emptiness, space, reflections and light


Tibet- Spiritual power on the roof of the world

on multiple gods and atheism

Chinese medicine

Consepts of body and mind in East Asian Teaching

women travellers

potala palace
mothers queens and goddesses

The princes of Travancore
The plesuring industry of sex in East Asia

A beauty contestant
Ana and the king of Siam

Rising Dragon


Dina Heimann
mobile phone


Women in China

מה מסתתר מאחורי הקימונו

על אהבת ושנאת נשים

Women of Indonesia

הרמיאנה, ברית אחיות, נשים בסין, דאואיזם
Lectures in colaboration with Yotam Jacobson


What I learned on the road